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Moventia renews partnership agreement with Multiple Sclerosis Foundation to improve mobility for people suffering this disease
27 March 2024
The mobility specialist reaffirms its support for the multicentric project run by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation that helped 1,394 people in 2023.

Moventia, the multinational family company specialising in the improvement of social connections through mobility, and the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FEM), the private non-profit organisation that works to reduce the impact of this disease on the lives of people with multiple sclerosis and those in their environment, have signed the renewal of a partnership agreement they first signed in 2016. Specifically, the two entities have agreed to maintain their partnership on the multicentric project on home care and mobility in light of the excellent results obtained last year.

Moventia has once again shown it is committed to ensuring people can benefit from mobility. The mobility specialist supported the multicentric service offered by the foundation throughout 2023. Its support consisted of providing funds to pay for the travel costs of people employed by FEM visiting the homes of people with multiple sclerosis throughout Catalonia. Involvement by the family business ensured that 12 people (three men and nine women) with limited mobility were able to receive face-to-face sessions. In total, the multicentric mobility improvement and home care project run by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation impacted 1,394 people with multiple sclerosis in 2023, who received 2,001 face-to-face and 394 online sessions.

Besides providing its support for the multicentric mobility and home care project, the multinational Moventia transport company will again be a partner of the foundation for the Mulla’t campaign led by the charity organisation and aimed at raising 300,000 euros to help it continue to support people with multiple sclerosis and dedicate money to research with a view to relegating this disease to the pages of history. The mobility specialist will therefore be supporting the campaign for another year while also echoing a call for corporate volunteering.

Rosa Masriera, Executive Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, welcomed the partnership, adding that “The commitment from Moventia to excellence and innovation has meant services can be offered to more people. What’s more, we are talking about a service that is fundamental to people with multiple sclerosis and poor mobility”.

In turn, Sílvia Martí, Vice-President for Corporate Affairs, Internal and Institutional Communication at Moventia, expressed gratitude to the FEM for its trust, saying that “Moventia believes it is essential to take part in initiatives that combat diseases, foster their research and improve the lives of patients. That’s why we are strengthening our commitment to the society around us with initiatives like the one run by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, which guarantees our social responsibility purpose and drives us to keep fighting for a better future for all”.

Multiple sclerosis is known as the disease of 1,000 faces and can often affect mobility, which is when it can become most apparent and even mean that the patient stops receiving rehabilitation due to an inability to travel to their health centre. Furthermore, various studies have shown that continuing to receive physiotherapy sessions can help to reduce mobility loss and, in some cases, even reverse it. For that reason, Moventia and FEM are strengthening their relationship by working together to promote this improvement in patients and make it easier for them to access therapies.