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Moventia promotes the preservation of culture and reaffirms its commitment to the Palace of Catalan Music
28 April 2023
The company is once again demonstrating its support for culture and this organisation by signing an agreement.

On Tuesday, 25 April, Moventia renewed a partnership agreement with the Orfeó Català Foundation – Palace of Catalan Music.

The signing event was attended by Sílvia Martí, Corporate Vice-President for Internal and Institutional Communication of Moventia, and Joaquim Uriach Torelló, Chairman of the Orfeó Català Foundation.

Moventia, which has been named a Patron and Protector of the Palace of Catalan Music, has maintained its commitment to highlight and support culture as a pillar for transforming our society under this partnership agreement for years.

Based on the cultural proposal from the company, the agreement helps to support the cultural and artistic actions taking place at the flagship building for Catalan music, the headquarters of the Orfeó Català Foundation.

Sílvia MartíCorporate Vice-President for Internal and Institutional Communication of Moventia, said “Moventia is maintaining its support for entities that highlight the values of Catalan culture and all cultural activities for society. By renewing this partnership agreement, we are strengthening our voluntary work to bring cultural heritage closer to the people as part of the company’s Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Plan”.

In turn, Joaquim Uriach TorellóChairman of the Orfeó Català Foundation, wished to express gratitude for the support provided by Moventia. “Since 2018, the Moventia family business, which is celebrating its centenary this year, has been the finest example of a company that is committed to culture through its values and family spirit”, he said. He went on to add that “our foundation is a private cultural entity that is only able to develop its projects thanks to partners like Moventia that help to continue bringing music and architectural heritage closer to the public and that share our common values”.