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Sílvia Martí collects Patrons Medal from Board of Patronage of Orfeó Català Foundation – Palace of Catalan Music
7 July 2023
Sílvia Martí, Corporate Vice-President for Internal and Institutional Communication at Moventia, collected the Patrons Medal from the Orfeó Català Foundation – Palace of Catalan Music on behalf of the company.

These medals were presented to their recipients after the Board of Patronage meeting and subsequent Patrons Dinner held by the institution.

Organised at the iconic modernist building, a number of leading representatives from important companies on the foundation’s Board of Patronage attended the event.

Presentation of this award to Moventia serves to reflect the successful partnership between the Palace of Catalan Music and the company. Moventia has been a Patron and Protector of the foundation for five years through its commitment to culture and the partnership agreement between Moventia and the Palace of Catalan Music.

That agreement governs our company’s mission to support the great work undertaken by the Orfeó Català (Catalan Choral Society) in the field of music, as well as to promote and preserve culture in Catalan society as a key way to transmit values.