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Moventis takes part in Tomorrow Mobility for the future of sustainable mobility
8 November 2023
The company attends the event for the second year running and announces the launch of a new intercity mobility service in Saudi Arabia.

Moventis is participating in the Tomorrow Mobility Congress (TMWC) between 7th and 9th November, which is taking place at Fira de Barcelona.Moventia’s collective mobility division returns for the second year in a row to the international sustainable mobility event; the company is marking its presence with a stand at the venue and its professionals are participating in various conferences and round tables.

Presence at the congress

After a fruitful 2022 and demonstrating to the mobility sector authorities and institutions its value as a benchmark collective mobility company as well as its growth capacity, Moventis will harness its presence at the event to showcase the advances it has made in the past year.

Moventis’ attendance and participation in the Tomorrow Mobility Congress coincides with one of the company’s latest milestones as concerns internationalisation: the launch of a new intercity transport service in Saudi Arabia/.

New intercity transport service in Saudi Arabia

The company has recently reasserted its position as the international operator with the strongest presence in Saudi Arabia with the launch of a new intercity transport service that is to run for the next decade. More specifically, this Intercity service covers 60 cities in the northwest, including Jeddah and the Red Sea corridor, with branches that connect major cities such as Mecca, Medina and the capital, Riyadh.

Operated by Moventis within the Northwest Bus consortium, the transport network comprises 23 lines and 200 daily departures that are to transport up to 1.5 million passengers each year.

Record start-up time

Jordi Castells, Managing Director of Moventis, and head of the company’s operations in Saudi Arabia, praised the company’s ability to launch a project of this scale in just eight months (since the award of the contract in February 2023), despite its logistical complexity. “We have built a project from scratch. Since February, we have taken on 500 employees (400 drivers and 100 other staff) from almost ten different countries. We have also opened 11 operational centres and our own points of sale across the country. We are very proud of the results we have achieved and this new intercity service will help us improve the country’s road connectivity,” he said.

Meanwhile, since the launch of the service in 2022, Moventis has managed to carry 100 million passengers in Mecca and provides a city bus service for Mecca’s inhabitants as well as the millions of pilgrims who visit the city every year.

Internationalisation strategy

The milestones achieved by Moventis in Saudi Arabia in recent years are in line with the internationalisation strategy of the family-owned multinational company’s collective mobility division. It began a process of expansion in 2016 through a public bicycle service in Helsinki. Seven years later, it now operates on three continents (Europe, Asia and America) through various public transport services. Within this roadmap, Saudi Arabia and France have established themselves as two key markets for Moventia.

Nowadays, the group operates under Moventis in Spain, France, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Poland, Finland and Peru.