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The TCC ‘Teaming’ project has chosen to support three new projects related to health and childhood
17 October 2023
The charity efforts made by company employees continue with an initiative to support the Neuroblastoma Foundation, ASPACE Navarre and PICA Navarre by donating €1,500 to each one.

This brings the total to 21 projects supported by TCC employees over the last seven years via micro-donations of €1 from their salary. In turn, the company donates an extra €1 for each €1 contributed by the employees taking part in the initiative.

The TCC Pamplona ‘Teaming’ project has been supporting various social projects, mostly tied to health, for more than seven years straight. This year, the Neuroblastoma Foundation, ASPACE Navarre and PICA Navarre were the three new organisations to receive donations from the TCC Pamplona ‘Teaming’ project, with €1,500 going to each one. These donations will be used on various projects related to health and childhood.

The money raised comes from micro-donations of €1 from the salaries of half of the company workforce, to which is added a contribution from TCC Pamplona itself, which donates €1 more for every €1 donated by the employees taking part in the initiative.

Three much-needed donations

The driver Alberto Mercapide presented the

The ‘RESPIROS Familiares’ project by ASPACE Navarre was proposed by Nelson Ángel Pico. This project supports families, especially the relatives of people with cerebral palsy or other similar disabilities, who often dedicate themselves to providing care 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The work done by this organisation is explained in this video.

The idea to support the ‘Motoristas contra el acoso infantil’ project by PICA Navarre came from Pedro Lezáun, a driver for TCC Pamplona.

This association, most of the members of which are motorcyclists, seeks to protect and accompany children in their daily activities so that they can lose any fear they may have of taking part in society and to help them fully develop as individuals; protecting them from possible abuse and school bullying, among other things.

This video shows more about this initiative by PICA Navarre.

Over €31,000 raised for charity

With these last three donations (bringing the total now to 21 in seven years), the TCC Pamplona ‘Teaming’ project has raised more than €31,000. The Dravet Syndrome Foundation was the first to receive €1,500 in February 2017, after becoming the most voted project among TCC employees. A few months later, the TCC ‘Teaming’ project handed over another two cheques to the Eunate Elkartea Association and the ‘Ayudamos a Nerea-Nereari Iaguntzen’ initiative.

In 2018, three more projects received support from the TCC ‘Teaming’ project: the ADHI, ADELA and ADACEN associations. The GERNA Association, the Autism Association of Navarre (ANA) and the Navarre Association against Cancer (AECC) joined the list of beneficiaries in 2019.

In 2020, the donations were given to the Navarre Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association (ANPHEB), the Association for the Fight against Renal Diseases (ALCER Navarre) and the Association against Cystic Fibrosis in Navarre.

In 2021, this charity initiative chose to support Doctors of the World, Eunate and the Brazadas de Superación Association. Last year, the donations were given to the Navarre Multiple Sclerosis Association, the Navarre Ardoi Basketball Foundation and the Hope and Progress NGO in Navarre.