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Moventia becomes official sponsor of the Night of the Entrepreneur organised by CECOT
13 July 2023
Our company will lend its support to the 28th edition of the CECOT Awards for business progress.

Moventia is officially sponsoring the Night of the Entrepreneur for the first time in 2023. This event is focused around a ceremony to present the awards that the CECOT employers’ association hands out to all those companies, associations, figures, media and organisations that have excelled in the development, improvement, communication and contribution to the economic and business world.

Aimed at recognising business progress and the value of Catalan companies, the event will take place on 26 October in Sant Cugat del Vallès.

Earlier this week, the event organisers gathered representatives from the partner companies and organisations that will make it possible to hold this major event for the economic and business world in Catalonia. The event, at which Moventia was represented by our Corporate Vice-President, Sílvia Martí, took place after the employers’ association published the terms and conditions and opened the process for companies and entrepreneurs based in Catalonia to present their business projects and nominations for the awards.

During the course of the event, Xavier Panés, Chairman of CECOT, explicitly thanked both legacy and new sponsors for their support, involvement and confidence. He wanted to highlight that commitment “given the socio-economic context we currently find ourselves in and in which we will need to continue developing over the coming months”.

Besides Moventia, Xavier Panés welcomed eDiversa Group, Saba, Agbar, HP and Mercadona as new sponsors for the event this year.

Forming part of the 28th edition of this initiative, the objectives of which are fully aligned with our commitment to promoting the regions where we operate, is an immense pleasure for Moventia.