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Moventia, an example of inclusive corporate culture, attends event promoted by the Integralia Foundation and BOTH People & Comms
11 June 2024
The multinational family business specialising in mobility showcased its leadership in corporate social responsibility alongside Teladoc Health.

Sílvia Martí, Corporate Vice-President of Moventia, took part on 15 May in an event on Diversity and Inclusion organised by the Integralia Foundation, which fosters social and labour inclusion for people with disabilities, and the communication agency BOTH People & Comms.

Held behind closed doors for clients of the agency, the event was attended by the executive from Moventia and Jorge Soravilla, HR Director at the Spanish branch of the multinational telemedicine and virtual medical services company based in the United States, Teladoc Health. Elena Jacinto, Director of the CEE Fund Integralia Sant Just hosted the event. Also present were Javier de Oña, Deputy Chairman of the Integralia Foundation, and Cristina Salvador, founder of BOTH People & Comms.

In her speech, Sílvia Martí presented the Moventia CSR commitment to people, integration and diversity, with a focus on such a basic right as universal access to mobility. On the main theme for the event, the Corporate Vice-President of Moventia explained that “the focus towards diversity, inclusion and disability at companies like ours is aimed at adopting an organisational culture that values and integrates diversity in all shape and form”. She went on to advocate a culture “focused on creating an inclusive and accessible working environment for all employees, regardless of their abilities”.

As an example of the action taken by the company, Sílvia Martí presented key strategies to foster diversity, inclusion and the integration of people with disabilities. These strategies include promoting inclusive leadership, creating and applying inclusive policies and practices, upskilling for employees, adapting things for people with disabilities, encouraging diversity in hiring processes and creating an accessible workplace.

To give an example of these practices, Sílvia Martí highlighted the exemplary and pioneering service provided by Moventis TCC over 30 years ago now to coincide with the

Barcelona ‘92 Olympic Games. The company began by carrying paralympic athletes and later expanded this service to include people with physical or mental disabilities. “It was a unique and innovative service, and a turning point for awareness at the company on inclusion and diversity in mobility, especially in terms of public transport”, said the Corporate Vice-President of Moventia. She went on to say that “this type of initiative remains pertinent today as the company has increased the size of its adapted fleet from 17 to 50 vehicles for people with disabilities and carries almost 200,000 passengers a year via these special services”.

Finally, Sílvia Martí highlighted one of the most interesting labour inclusion programmes for people with disabilities being carried out by the group: SOC Mobilitat, the company that develops and implements contactless payment technology on public transport in Catalonia (T-Mobilitat). The company executive said that, “thanks to the experience with DKV and the lessons learned with the Integralia Foundation, we have been able to provide the necessary accompaniment and training for our project teams”. “We have 48 people working at SOC today in the contact centre, of which 40% are people with disabilities”. “We are happy and satisfied with the recognition we get from Integralia as a highly significant project for the direct inclusion of 22 people at SOC Mobilitat when the project started in 2021”, she added.

In conclusion, Sílvia Martí was very pleased to say that “the combination of employees with and without disabilities facilitates integration and boosts the culture of awareness at the company, thereby raising the importance of inclusion and helping to integrate people into the labour market”. Following the round table discussion, attendees and executives from the departments of sustainability, corporate social responsibility and human resources at the guest companies were able to talk with the speakers to further develop and highlight the value of the conversation that took place. For Moventia, this was unquestionably a great opportunity to share its leadership in the field of corporate social responsibility and an enormous pleasure to set an example for all the other companies attending the event.